
Latt Savage
Concrete, natural material
commissioned for The Four Elements
For Fissure, I was interested in rendering many fractured elements that
retained the semblance of once being whole. This sculpture was inspired
by my observations of physical materials that had been transformed by
natural phenomenon to create many intricate puzzle-piece forms. Over time
this winter, I watched as the continuous, thumping tide broke apart a
massive sheet of ice into thousands of unique, interrelated shapes which
formed a distinct, yet irregular, pattern. I then started to see this
type of pattern in cracked gravel, clouds, dried plaster, mud, and skin.
I tend to
find comfort in patterns. I like to use the disruption and embellishment
of a given pattern to explore the underlying complexities of an idea or
experience. The archeological overtones in this work imply the timelessness
of patterns and cycles in nature.
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