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Dwelling is funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional funding provided by the Boston Foundation for Architecture and individual donors.

  Adam Frelin
The Mirroring Stone
Stainless steel, wood

Many of the pieces on view refer to Victorian architecture. Frelin’s piece draws its inspiration from a very different Boston landmark – the John Hancock Building. His sculpture – a single tombstone with a smooth mirrored surface – reflects its surroundings much like the modern glass skyscraper, a monumental form that, paradoxically, disappears into its environment.

Artist's Statement
The Mirroring Stone is a freestanding block of reflective material placed amongst a large grouping of monuments and headstones. In size it is similar to –– but slightly larger and thicker than –– the surrounding grave markers. Lacking ornamentation, it merely reflects what is around itself. The Mirroring Stone is a modern day memento mori of modern buildings such as Boston’s John Hancock tower, structures that have forfeited an aesthetic of agedness for something that appears to be untouched by time. Looking in a mirror, we are reminded of our individuality in appearance and, at the same time, our similarity in condition. We are shown time’s effect on us. The Mirroring Stone becomes the tombstone for each of us who gaze into it, creating a reflective moment into our own inevitable demise, and a poignant reminder –– while we are surrounded by the dead –– that we are still alive.

For more information on Adam Frelin, please visit: