Archive of 2009
by the Forest Hills Trust
POETRY Sunday, March 1st Admission: $5 |
Poetry in the Chapel Acclaimed local poets Christine Casson, Wendy Mnookin, David Surette and Marc Widershien read their work. |
CONCERT SOLD OUT! Friday, March 20th |
Supporters of the Trust are invited to savor the sophisticated Latin jazz of Sofia Koutsovitis Group, an ensemble of superb young musicians. Their repertoire includes jazz, contemporary compositions, and music from Brazil, Argentina and Peru. A graduate of New England Conservatory of Music, you may have heard Sofia at the Regatta Bar or Ryles in Cambridge, although her Boston area performances are rarer now that she has moved to New York City. This is a great opportunity to hear this accomplished singer in a perfect setting for her elegant, expressive vocals. Join today online or by phone (617.524.3354) and get two free tickets, plus discounts on concert admissions all year. Memberships: $35/Individual, $55/Household, $100/Patron. Sofia Koutsovitis belongs to a new generation of musicians who imaginatively explore the connection between jazz and contemporary music and the rich musical traditions of South America. An active vocalist, composer and arranger, her primary musical project to date, the Sofia Koutsovitis Group, is grounded in traditional South American rhythms such as chacarera and zamba from Argentina, Afro-peruvian festejo and lando and various Brazilian genres that merge organically with sophisticated harmonies and exploratory improvisations. Singing in Spanish, Portuguese or English, Sofia's voice is alternately graceful and authoritative in interpreting her original compositions or her own innovative arrangements of pieces by Latin American composers such as Silvio Rodriguez, Astor Piazolla, Paulinho da Viola, and Chabuca Granda. The concert will be followed by refreshments and a wine-tasting. Enjoy the wines of Sofia's native Argentina, courtesy of Sean Martin of Albert Winestein. Albert Winestein is a specialty store in Hyde Park. Visit them for wine & cheese tastings and expert advice, whether planning an intimate dinner or a large event. |
CONCERT SOLD OUT! Sunday, April 5th at 2pm |
Experience the rich and passionate playing of the extraordinary Borromeo String Quartet in Forsyth Chapel. The combination of an intimate setting, superb acoustics, and the masterful performance of this internationally acclaimed quartet makes this series one of the highlights of chamber music in Boston. This event usually sells out so we recommend buying tickets in advance. The Borromeo will play one of Bach’s magnificent works for organ – the C Minor Passacaglia and Fugue – transcribed for string quartet by first violinist Nicholas Kitchen. This will be followed by one of the most wildly expressive of all quartets, Janacek’s “Kruetzer Sonata.” The program will conclude with what many feel is Beethoven’s grandest quartet, the first Razumosky Quartet Op. 59, No. 1. $30/$25 members/$55 for VIP seating and reception. For more information about the Borromeo String Quartet visit their website. |
POETRY Sunday, April 19th at 2pm Admission: $5 |
Poetry in the Chapel Come celebrate National Poetry Month in what The Boston Globe calls "the coolest place to hear poetry in Boston." This month, local poets Kathleen Aguero, Susan Donnelly, Harris Gardner, and David Rivard read their work. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, April 26 at 2pm Admission: $9 |
Overview with Al Maze Join tour guide in-residence Al Maze for an introduction to the history of Forest Hills and the notable people buried here. Al is an expert on Forest Hills, having given tours here for over a decade. This is a two-hour walk over varied terrain, with many stops along the way; wear comfortable shoes and bring water. |
CONCERT Sunday, May 3
Silver Songs and Golden Drums Rain on a rooftop, high heels clicking down the street, fingers tapping on an African drum – rhythm is every where, the heart beat of the world! Don't miss this lively concert for children and adults featuring the talented Chameleon Art Ensemble and exploring rhythm and melody in music. During the concert, drum with the Chameleons. After the performance, join the musicians and try out their instruments. The program includes music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sergei Prokofiev, Morton Gould, Astor Piazzolla, Kevin Volans, Frederic Rzewski, and Hans Spencer. $10 adults/$8 members, children 14 and under free. Call 617.524.3354; leave a message with your daytime phone and we will call you back for credit card information. Or send an email stating how many tickets and your daytime phone number to: Do not email your credit card information. |
BIRD WALKS Tuesdays, May 5 at 6 AM Thursday, May 7 at 6 AM FREE! |
Morning Bird Walks Forest Hills and our neighbor, Mass. Audubon's Boston Nature Center, offer food and shelter to a variety of birds all year, but an even greater variety can be seen passing through during Spring Migration. Spot some on tours with expert birders during birdwalks at each site over the next two weeks. Birders of all levels welcome. Gather on Tuesdays at the Boston Nature Center and Thursdays at Forest Hills, at 6 am at the main entrance. Wear comfortable and weatherproof boots or shoes (the morning dew can be wet this time of year). Bring binoculars if you have them, bottled water if you like, and anything else you would find helpful. The Boston Nature Center is located at 500 Walk Hill St. in Mattapan. For further directions please visit the Boston Nature Center website for details, or our own directions to Forest Hills. All walks guided by birding enthusiast Andrew Birch. May 5: Boston Nature Center |
DOGWALK Saturday, Admission: $12/$10 Trust members. |
Spring Dogwalk Dee Morris tells tales of Victorian animals – beloved pets, faithful workers and heroic mascots – and tours animal sculpture throughout the cemetery. For sociable canines and their owners; people without dogs also welcome. Delicious treats from our generous Dog Walk sponsor, Polkadog Bakery, and certificates awarded upon completion.
BIRD WALKS Tuesday, May 12 at 6 AM Thursday, May 14 at 6 AM FREE! |
Morning Bird Walks Forest Hills and our neighbor, Mass. Audubon's Boston Nature Center, offer food and shelter to a variety of birds all year, but an even greater variety can be seen passing through during Spring Migration. Spot some on tours with expert birders during birdwalks at each site over the next two weeks. Gather on Tuesdays at the Boston Nature Center and Thursdays at Forest Hills, at 6 am at the main entrance. Wear comfortable and weatherproof boots or shoes (the morning dew can be wet this time of year). Bring binoculars if you have them, bottled water if you like, and anything else you would find helpful. The Boston Nature Center is located at 500 Walk Hill St. in Mattapan. For further directions please visit the Boston Nature Center website for details, or our own directions to Forest Hills. May 12: Boston Nature Center, guided by birding enthusiast Andrew Birch |
POETRY Sunday, May 17th at 2pm Admission: $5 |
Poetry in the Chapel Acclaimed local poets Suzanne Owens, Lainie Senechal, Tracey Strauss, and Kim Treidman read from their work in beautiful Forsyth Chapel. |
SPECIAL EVENT Thursday, May 28 at 7:30 pm Admission: $5 |
Birds & Bards Kick off Celebration in Forsyth Chapel Nature – and birds – have inspired artists of all kinds since time began! We are kicking off the Birds & Bards Weekend Festival with an eclectic evening of outstanding art, poetry and song inspired by our feathered friends. The event will start with a slide talk by photographer Eduardo del Solar, who has portrayed a wide variety of birds in astounding closeup detail, spotted at Franklin Park, the BNC and Forest Hills. Next, jazz vocalist Valerie Stephens will continue in the tradition of Billie Holliday and Bessie Smith; the Bay State Banner has written that "Stephens gives sensational evidence that divas are still in the making. She steps, stomps and sashays ..." The program will close with a reading by award-winning poet Brendan Galvin, hailed by The Boston Globe as “the inveterate maven of all things avian” for his collection Whirl is King: Poems from a Life List. Join the artists and Festival organizers for cider and cookies from local bakeries after the event. |
FESTIVAL May 28-May 31 |
Birds & Bards Festival Join us for a collaborative celebration of migrating birds, poetry, nature, and the wonderful green sanctuaries at the end of the Emerald Necklace. Learn about the landscapes that sustain and protect migrating and native birds while enjoying a variety of events co-sponsored by the Arnold Arboretum, Forest Hills, the Franklin Park Coalition, Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site, Mass. Audubon’s Boston Nature Center, and Zoo New England. Bring a picnic to enjoy between events. Download a PDF with a schedule of all events at all sites. Events at Forest Hills take place on Thursday, May 28 (see "Kick Off Celebration, above) and Sunday, May 31 (see bird walk, walking tour and family concert below).
BIRD WALK Sunday, May 31 at 7 AM |
Birds & Bards Morning Bird Walk Look for birds in the Cemetery's lush and picturesque landscape – designed in 1848 as a park and arboretum as well as a burial ground – with birding enthusiast Andrew Birch. Along the way spot sculptures of birds carved on Victorian memorials, where they represent gentle guardians or the soul's journey after death. Birders of all levels welcome. Meet at the Main Gate. Bring water and binoculars. Free! |
BIRD WALK Sunday, May 31 at 10 AM |
Birds & Bards Walking Tour Explore the landscapes of Forest Hills – designed by Henry A.S. Dearborn in 1848 – and Franklin Park – desigened by Frederick Law Olmsted a generation later. How are their mission, design and public uses similar or different? Visit the gravesite of inspirational poet E.E. Cummings. Climb to the top of Franklin Park's Schoolmaster Hill – once Ralph Waldo Emerson's home. Led by Olmsted National Historic Site's Alan Banks and Cecily Miller, the Trust's Director. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, May 31st at 2pm Admission: $9 |
Celebrate America's Heroes during Forest Hills expert Al Maze recently celebrated his 12th year of leading tours here. This is one of his most popular: a walk exploring the stories of soldiers and survivors of the Civil War and other battles. Al will read excerpts from letters, diaries and newspaper accounts that illuminate the experiences and emotions of the men and women who have served during wartime. Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9 |
CONCERT Sunday, May 31st at 2pm Admission: $10/ $8 members/kids free |
Enjoy a narrated performance of Prokofiev's much-loved classic Peter and the Wolf by the master musicians of the Solar Winds Quintet. This classic Russian folktale set to music features the voices of a bird, duck, cat and wolf portrayed in playful melodies by the flute, oboe, clarient and French Horn. |
POETRY Sunday, June 7th at 2 pm Admission: $5 |
Photo: Marshall Goff Spoken Word Poetry Join us for our second Spoken Word poetry event - an afternoon of young poets from Boston's Slam Poetry scene. Spoken word poets bring a vitality to reading their poetry, using rhythm, intonation, and expression to engage the audience and enliven their words. Featuring emerging poets Maxwell Kessler, Artie Moffa, Omoizele 'Oz' Okoawo, and Carrie Rudzinski. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, June 14 at 2 pm Admission: $9 |
Hidden in Plain View Join historian Dee Morris as she shares some of her new discoveries in the Field of Manoah. Quite different in style from the grander family lots found in other areas of the cemetery – which contain generations of extended family – the Field of Manoah was the burial area of choice for single people and couples in the 19th and early 20th century. Many memorial stones are arranged closer together, and each one has a story to tell. Visit the gravesite of William Cooper Nell, an African American abolitionist and journalist who worked with his friend William Lloyd Garrison on the Liberator and worked to desegregate the Boston public Schools. Discover an enchanting portrait of Katie Juglaris, carved by her husband to mark her solitary grave; he is buried in Italy but the sculpture remains to symbolize their bond. These are some of the treasures "hidden in plain view" in this often overlooked area of the Cemetery. Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9. |
SPECIAL EVENT Tuesday, June 16, 6 to 9 PM Raindate: June 18 |
Summer Solstice Celebration Explore a Boston treasure! On the longest day of the year, we invite you to join Trustees and Friends of the Forest Hills Educational Trust for a festive evening of twilight tours, trolley rides, al fresco refreshments and vintage cocktails. See masterpieces of sculpture by Daniel Chester French, visit Revolutionary War hero Joseph Warren and poet E.E. Cummings, and view some of the Trust's innovative contemporary art. Tours will be led by our expert guides Elise Ciregna, Al Maze, Dee Morris, and Trustee Anthony Sammarco; artists Fern Cunningham and Mitch Ryerson will participate in a walk to see their work at Forest Hills. Special thanks to Samuel Adams Brewery in Jamaica Plain for donating beer to support the event, and to the expert mixologists of LUPEC (Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails) for creating vintage cocktails. Tickets are $35 and must be purchased in advance. Call 617.524.3354; leave a message with your daytime phone and we will call you back for credit card information. Or send an email stating how many tickets and your daytime phone number to: Do not email your credit card information. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, June 28 at 2 pm Admission: $9 |
The Language of Flowers In the 19th century, flowers and plants were given special associations and were used to convey feelings and emotions. As botanical motifs found their way onto gravestones, they took on hidden meanings. Discover these exquisite carvings during a tour with Elise Ciregna, the Trust’s Curator of Historic Collections. Learn how the Victorians communicated coded messages with poppies, lilies, ivy and oak leaves on their beautifully carved memorial stones. Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, July 12 @ 2 pm Admission: $9 |
Horticulture Walking
Tour Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9. |
FESTIVAL Thursday, July 16th at 6-9 pm Rain Date: Thursday, July 23 |
STILL ON FOR TODAY DESPITE POOR WEATHER FORECAST Presenting Sponsor: Join us for a moving memorial ceremony inspired by Buddhist rituals. Inscribe a lantern with a personal message to friends or family and float it across Lake Hibiscus at sunset. In this breathtaking ceremony of remembrance, visitors to this lush, Victorian landscape make paper lanterns and set them afloat on the peaceful waters of a small lake. This ritual is based on the traditional Japanese Bon Festival, a time when a door opens to the world of the ancestors, allowing us to send messages to the other side. People enjoy picnics on the grass and a multi-cultural program of music and dance. They decorate their lanterns with calligraphy and notes to those who have died. At sunset, a candle is lit in each lantern, and the glimmering lanterns are set afloat. Drifting and flickering with the wind, the lanterns symbolize the soul’s journey when life ends. SCHEDULE 6:55 Traditional Bon Festival Dance 7:20 Traditional Balinese Dance 7:45 Samurai Taiko Drumming & Martial Arts 8:30 - 9:00 pm Lantern Floating Admission is free, with a $10 donation per lantern. Parking is $10; we're encouraging people to take the T. No lighting after dark; bring a flashlight to assist your departure. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, July 19 at 2 pm Admission: $9 |
Historic and Contemporary Sculpture Tour Cecily Miller, the Trust’s Executive Director, leads a tour exploring the Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, July 26 at 2pm Admission: $9 |
Join guide Al Maze as he leads visitors through the stories of some of the most celebrated and fascinating women of 19th and 20th century Boston. A hotbed of feminism and firsts in the Victorian era, Boston gave rise to such pioneers as suffragette and abolitionist Lucy Stone; surgeon Dr. Susan Dimock; art and architecture patron Hepzibah Clarke Swan; historian-author Annie Haven Thwing; and others both notable and notorious -- artists, politicians, School Board activists, even spirit mediums. This tour looks at those famous women buried at historic Forest Hills Cemetery. Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, August 2 at 2pm Admission: $9 |
Victorian Sculpture Tour Discover why Forest Hills is hailed by some as an open air museum with scholar Elise Ciregna on a tour of masterpieces by famed artists such as Daniel Chester French as Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9. |
TWILIGHT TOUR Thursday, August 6 at 7pm Admission: $10/$8 members |
A Tribute to E.E. Cummings Flashlight Tour Escape the summer heat during a twilight tour of historic Forest Hills Cemetery. Visit one of America's most loved poets, whose wit, bold language and playful typography transformed American poetry. Along the way, hear about other intriguing people memorialized at Forest Hills and see contemporary art inspired by Cummings' poetry. Bring a message to leave at the gravesite, where we will read a few of his poems. Meet at the main gate; if you like, come right after work; bring a picnic dinner and find a shady spot on the grass before the tour starts. Bring a flashlight to guide your exit at the end of the evening. Admission: $10/$8 Trust members. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, August 9 at 2pm Admission: $9 |
Collectors & Philanthropists Tour Join Anthony Sammarco for a tour highlighting the lives of intriguing collectors and generous philanthropists buried at Forest Hills Cemetery. The Jordans of Jordan Hall, Forsyth of the Forsyth Dental Clinic, and Carney of Carney hospital are just a few of the men who made vast fortunes and then became patrons of the arts, science, and social causes. Many wealthy women were also active philanthropists, such as Pauline Agassiz Shaw, founder of the North Bennet Street School and supporter of the American kindergarten movement. Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9. |
TWILIGHT TOUR Thursday, August 13 at 7pm Admission: $10/$8 members |
A Library of Stories Flashlight Tour There are more than 100,000 people buried at Forest Hills, ranging from the legendary actress Fanny Davenport to Lewis Waterman, the unassuming inventor of the fountain pen. Hear some of their stories and view their monuments – some lavish and dramatic and others modest or mysterious. Meet at the main gate; if you like, come right after work; bring a picnic dinner and find a shady spot on the grass before the tour starts. Bring a flashlight to guide your exit at the end of the evening. Admission: $10/$8 Trust members. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, August 16 at 2pm Admission: $9 |
Gravestone Symbolism Tour The sculpture and carved memorials at Forest Hills display a variety of symbols representing personal qualities, ideals and emotions. Learn how to decode these messages left to us by Victorians on a walk with scholar Elise Ciregna. Meet at Main Gate. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water; this is a 2-hour walk (with frequent stops) over varied terrain. Admission: $9. |
TWILIGHT TOUR Thursday, August 20 at 7pm Admission: $10/$8 members |
Victorian Spiritualism Flashlight Tour Spiritualists believed that death was a transition to a new form or existence; people who had "crossed over" could be contacted through seances and spirit guides. Visit some of the religious leaders and practitioners – as well as skeptics – of this controversial 19th-century faith. Meet at the main gate; if you like, come right after work; bring a picnic dinner and find a shady spot on the grass before the tour starts. Bring a flashlight to guide your exit at the end of the evening. Admission: $10/$8 Trust members. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, August 23 at 10am Admission: $12/$10 members |
Summer Dog Walk Dee Morris tells tales of Victorian animals – beloved pets and faithful workers – and tours animal sculpture throughout the cemetery. For sociable canines and their owners; people without dogs also welcome. Meet at the main gate; this is a 2-hour walk over varied terrain. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water. |
TWILIGHT TOUR Thursday, August 27 at 7pm Admission: $10/$8 members |
Fashion and Style Discover eclectic design styles – inspired by ancient Egypt and Greece, Gothic cathedrals and Renaissance palaces – in the furnishings of family lots and the Cemetery's elegant architecture. And from the Girl Under Glass – a breathtaking portrait of 4-year-old Gracie Allen in her Victorian lace dress and high button boots – to graceful allegorical figures clad in classical drapery, fashion was always a force at Forest Hills! Meet at the main gate; if you like, come right after work; bring a picnic dinner and find a shady spot on the grass before the tour starts. Bring a flashlight to guide your exit at the end of the evening. Admission: $10/$8 Trust members. |
POETRY Sunday, September 20 at 2pm Admission: $5 |
Carpenter Poets Inspired by the work of poet and carpenter Mark Turpin, this group of carpenters started their own poetry night and eventually formed the Carpenter Poets of Jamaica Plain. They see a connection between carpentry and writing and seek to explore life through the tools they use to build the world around them. The Carpenter Poets will be reading at Forsyth Chapel. Admission: $5. |
WALKING TOUR Saturday, October 3 at 2pm Admission: $12/$10 members |
12th Annual Dog Walk Dee Morris tells tales of Victorian animals – beloved pets and faithful workers – and tours animal sculpture throughout the cemetery. For sociable canines and their owners; people without dogs also welcome. Dogs receive delicious treats from the Walk sponsor, Polkadog Bakery, and a certificate. $12/$10 Trust members. |
POETRY Sunday, October 4 at 2pm Admission: $9/ $5 members
E.E. Cummings Celebration Join three poets and composer Julia Werntz for a celebration of the life and legacy of poet E.E. Cummings, who is buried at Forest Hills. His brash humor, bold language and playful typography transformed American poetry. Charles Coe, Robert K. Johnson, and John Sturm read from Cummings’ poems and their own. Werntz’s translation of Cummings' poetry into an original composition for viola will also be performed. The reading in Forsyth Chapel will be followed by a walk to the poet’s grave site by Lake Hibiscus. Bring a memento or message to leave at the gravesite. Admission: $9/$5 members. |
WALKING TOUR Sunday, October 11 at 2pm Admission: $9 |
RESCHEDULED: History of Forest Hills Walking Tour Join Al Maze for a tour examining the history of the garden cemetery movement and the origins of Forest Hills, a generation before Olmsted and grand public parks like the Emerald Necklace. Inspired by Pére Lachaise in Paris, the garden or rural cemetery movement began in America in the 19th century. Learn about this movement as well as the people involved in creating and designing Forest Hills, and hear the stories of some of notable people buried here, making Forest Hills a unique Boston treasure. Meet at the main gate; this is a 2-hour walk over varied terrain. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water. |
WALKING TOUR Saturday, October 17 at 2pm Admission: $9 |
Contemporary Art Walking Tour Tour the Contemporary Sculpture Path with the Trust’s Executive Director Cecily Miller, looking at Victorian sculpture and architecture along the way. Discover the ways contemporary artists were inspired by this unique landscape to explore themes of nature, history, family, memory and the mysterious world of the spirits. $9 |
CONCERT, TALK, and TOUR Sunday, October 18 at 2pm Admission: $15/$12 members |
Finding Voices in the Silence: Join us for a concert, talk and short walking tour celebrating African American heritage. First, jazz vocalist Valerie Stephens takes the stage in Forsyth Chapel with her tribute to Nina Simone, one of the greatest singers of the 20th century and an inspirational voice for justice. Valerie’s smoky vocals and vibrant presence make her a diva in her own right. Next, Sylvia McDowell, the Trust’s Scholar-in-Residence, will share some discoveries from her research on African Americans buried at Forest Hills with a short talk and slide show. $15/$12 Trust members. |
TOUR Sunday, October 25 at 2pm Admission: $15/$12 members |
The Struggle for Liberty and Justice Join Al Maze and Sylvia McDowell for a tour focused on the struggle for Black freedom and equal rights that started before the Civil War. Visit Boston’s courageous abolitionists – William Lloyd Garrison, Abigail May, William Cooper Nell, and J.J.Smith; hear about the networks of local businessmen and citizen activists who protected each other and escaped slaves. Visit leaders of the 20th century’s Civil Rights movement. Admission: $15/$12 Trust members (includes tour bus). |
TOUR Sunday, November 1 at 2pm Admission: $9 |
Victorian Spiritualism Tour Spiritualists believed that death was a transition to a new form or existence; people who had "crossed over" could be contacted through seances and spirit guides. Visit some of the religious leaders and practitioners – as well as skeptics – of this controversial 19th-century faith. Meet at the main gate; this is two-hour walk. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water. |
RITUAL Monday, November 2 at 4-6 pm Free |
Day of the Dead Join us for a traditional Mexican celebration of remembrance co-sponsored by Latin American folkloric performance group La Pinata. Based on the ancient traditions of Mexico's indigenous peoples who believed that the souls of the dead return each year to visit their families, the Day of the Dead celebrates the continuous cycle of life and death, embracing cultures from all throughout the Americas. Enjoy a program of music and dance as individuals bring offerings of flowers, copies of photos, mementos, and traditional skull-shaped sugar candies to leave on a decorated candle-lit altar for those departed loved ones. Dress warmly. Bring a flashlight. Bilingual: English/Spanish. Admission: Free Co-sponsored by La Piñata and Spontaneous Celebrations. Visit them at |
POETRY Sunday, November 8 at 2pm Admission: $9/$5 members |
Tribute to Anne Sexton Sexton wrote fearlessly about family, sexuality, rage and joy, pioneering a radical new poetry. Join four writers who knew her well for an afternoon of poetry and reminiscence. Lois Ames, Suzanne Berger, Robert J. Clawson and Victor Howes. A walk to Sexton’s grave follows. $9/$5 Trust members. |
BOOK PARTY Sunday, November 15 at 4pm $15/$12 Trust members |
Who's in the Book? co-sponsored by the Jamaica Plain Historical Society The Boston Globe describes Anthony Sammarco as “a big guy with a soft voice and a vast knowledge of Boston neighborhoods.” He is the author of more than 50 books on local history and he unveils his latest title for Images of America: an illustrated account of Forest Hills. Crammed with historic photographs, this “Who’s Who” of Victorian Boston introduces you to the financiers, industrialists, artists, radicals and revolutionaries buried in Boston’s premier cemetery. Find out “who’s in the book” and have your own copy signed. $15/$10 Trust and JP Historical Society members. |
CONCERT Sunday, December 13 at 2pm $30/$25 Trust members/$55 VIP tickets |
Borromeo String Quartet Experience the rich and passionate playing of the extraordinary Borromeo String Quartet in Forsyth Chapel, an unusually intimate space to hear these world renowned artists. The December concert explores Haydn's brilliant and innovative quartet compositions, including the emotional Op. 20 No. 5 in f minor, an intense and dramatic work, which, according to musicologist Ron Drummond, "reveals Haydn at his most inward, searching, even tragic." Op. 64 No. 6 in Eb and Op. 76 No. 4 in Bb – "Sunrise" – balance out the remainder of the program. |
Archive of 2008 events sponsored by the Educational Trust
Archive of 2007 events sponsored by the Educational Trust
of 2006 events sponsored by the Educational Trust
of 2005 events sponsored by the Educational Trust
of 2004 events sponsored by the Educational Trust